Colts Under-13 Batting

Date of last included result: 19th January 2025 (1 result to come)

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Players are ranked by runs scored.

Name Team Inns NO Runs HS Average
1 T Moore Gosport Borough 6 1 180 94 36.00
2 H Patrick Sarisbury Athletic 7 4 152 61 50.67
3 S Voaden Fair Oak 7 3 147 36* 36.75
4 W Morgan Havant 6 3 146 44* 48.67
5 S Morgan Havant 6 4 136 32* 68.00
6 J Rowlandson Havant 6 4 126 40* 63.00
7 J Newman Portsmouth 5 3 92 29* 46.00
8 J Cooper Hambledon 5 2 91 28* 30.33
9 A Bishop Fareham & Crofton 5 3 88 33* 44.00
J Osgood Sarisbury Athletic 7 1 88 23* 14.67
11 J Miles Portsmouth & Southsea 5 2 85 28 28.33
X Warnes Havant 6 2 85 28 21.25
13 H Lucas Clanfield 5 2 78 28 26.00
14 A Hitchens Petersfield 5 3 77 20* 38.50
15 E Cassford Havant 5 4 75 24* 75.00
16 L Millington Petersfield 5 2 72 30* 24.00
J Thomas Portsmouth & Southsea 5 2 72 32 24.00
M Wilcocks Portchester 5 3 72 22 36.00
19 M Rainger Clanfield 6 0 69 26 11.50
20 G Bentley Fair Oak 7 1 66 23* 11.00
21 T Brett Gosport Borough 6 4 65 36* 32.50
22 T Coltman Portsmouth 4 2 62 26* 31.00
23 T Sutton Gosport Borough 5 3 59 27* 29.50
24 W Clifford-Brown Fareham & Crofton 3 1 58 40 29.00
25 E Afzal Hambledon 5 1 57 21* 14.25
26 A Swanzy Petersfield 5 2 56 29* 18.67
M Taimoor Portsmouth & Southsea 6 1 56 31 11.20
28 L Jones Hambledon 2 0 54 44 27.00
29 W Rose Portchester 5 2 53 23* 17.67
30 A Pickford Fair Oak 5 1 52 24* 13.00
31 R Gohl Hambledon 2 1 51 43* 51.00
J Vick Portsmouth 4 3 51 22* 51.00
33 A Gray Portsmouth 3 2 49 23 49.00
H Taimoor Portsmouth & Southsea 6 0 49 20 8.17
35 H Orrell Gosport Borough 6 1 48 20* 9.60
36 T Johnson Portsmouth & Southsea 5 0 44 18 8.80
37 H Carnegie Portsmouth 3 2 43 23* 43.00
S Ward Sarisbury Athletic 5 2 43 20* 14.33
39 B Grier Fareham & Crofton 3 1 41 21* 20.50
40 J Cassford Havant 5 2 39 32* 13.00
S Collinson Fareham & Crofton 4 0 39 19 9.75
J Kalra Hambledon 4 0 39 19 9.75
S Suraj Petersfield 3 1 39 31* 19.50
44 S Lucocq Portsmouth & Southsea 4 1 36 21* 12.00
45 H Brennan Portsmouth & Southsea 4 1 35 16 11.67
J Hillier Sarisbury Athletic 3 3 35 22*
J Pickett Portsmouth 1 1 35 35*
48 I Kavanagh Portchester 5 2 32 20* 10.67
A Martin Hambledon 2 1 32 27* 32.00
50 Z Holgado Portchester 4 0 31 15 7.75
R Lewis Fair Oak 4 1 31 18* 10.33