Colts Under-16 Bowling

Date of last included result: 19th January 2025 (1 result to come)

Click on a team to see the batting averages for that team.

Click on a player to see that player's bowling performances match-by-match, or to hide them if displayed.

Players (and bowling performances, for determining best bowling) are ranked by wickets taken, then average runs per over.

Name Team Overs Runs Wickets Best Runs/wkt Runs/over
1 G Bater Sarisbury Athletic 16 140 7 3/10 20.00 8.75
2 S Wheeler Portsmouth & Southsea 12 62 6 4/13 10.33 5.17
3 Z Ward Sarisbury Athletic 12 116 5 2/16 23.20 9.67
4 H Hayes Hambledon 11 67 4 2/10 16.75 6.09
5 D Eades Fareham & Crofton 12 75 4 3/4 18.75 6.25
6 J Bishop Waterlooville 10.2 90 4 3/15 22.50 8.71
7 L Le Mare Grayshott 11 112 4 2/39 28.00 10.18
8 F Ndhiro Portsmouth 11 117 4 1/11 29.25 10.64
9 L Mills Gosport Borough 13.4 146 4 2/25 36.50 10.68
10 H Ferrett Portsmouth & Southsea 11 64 3 3/11 21.33 5.82
11 R Clarke Portsmouth & Southsea 12 97 3 1/11 32.33 8.08
12 E Brendan Fareham & Crofton 13 108 3 1/11 36.00 8.31
13 S Morgan Havant 13 109 3 2/11 36.33 8.38
14 T Brett Gosport Borough 13 111 3 1/25 37.00 8.54
15 G Bailey Portsmouth & Southsea 9.2 93 3 1/11 31.00 9.96
16 A Bishop Fareham & Crofton 5 50 3 3/30 16.67 10.00
17 A Higgins-Caballero Portsmouth 11.1 120 3 1/27 40.00 10.75
18 C Rowland Hambledon 9 103 3 2/24 34.33 11.44
19 S Fletcher Gosport Borough 10 127 3 1/14 42.33 12.70
20 J Cox Sarisbury Athletic 15 90 2 1/17 45.00 6.00
21 W Jennings Grayshott 6 40 2 1/19 20.00 6.67
22 O Gillan Fareham & Crofton 11.4 79 2 1/12 39.50 6.77
23 E Attwood Fareham & Crofton 12 94 2 1/23 47.00 7.83
24 C Dobbs Locks Heath 7 56 2 2/10 28.00 8.00
25 B Brett Gosport Borough 14 113 2 2/24 56.50 8.07
26 I Afzal Hambledon 9 86 2 2/28 43.00 9.56
27 O Furby Waterlooville 4.5 47 2 1/18 23.50 9.72
28 Z Bembridge Hambledon 8 80 2 2/19 40.00 10.00
29 R Reynolds Waterlooville 4 41 2 1/20 20.50 10.25
30 B Giffin Portsmouth 7.4 82 2 1/28 41.00 10.70
31 A Smith Portsmouth 8 88 2 1/30 44.00 11.00
32 T Hurst Locks Heath 13.4 160 2 1/31 80.00 11.71
33 A Shaw Locks Heath 6 87 2 2/52 43.50 14.50
34 L Harradine Waterlooville 6 25 1 1/7 25.00 4.17
35 A Das Hambledon 11 69 1 1/22 69.00 6.27
36 D Hill Havant 7 49 1 1/13 49.00 7.00
37 L De Bohan Portsmouth & Southsea 8.4 64 1 1/22 64.00 7.38
38 C Carson Waterlooville 6.4 53 1 1/23 53.00 7.95
39 A Cordery Waterlooville 5 40 1 1/26 40.00 8.00
H Jefcoate-Scholes Havant 1 8 1 1/8 8.00 8.00
A Southgate Portsmouth 3 24 1 1/24 24.00 8.00
42 J Pay Havant 9 76 1 1/29 76.00 8.44
43 M Roberts Sarisbury Athletic 9 79 1 1/9 79.00 8.78
44 M Taimoor Portsmouth & Southsea 2 18 1 1/18 18.00 9.00
45 I Imthiyas Havant 7 68 1 1/22 68.00 9.71
46 S Sharma Locks Heath 3 31 1 1/31 31.00 10.33
47 B Macdonald Grayshott 7 76 1 1/23 76.00 10.86
48 S Mukesh Locks Heath 3 33 1 1/33 33.00 11.00
49 E Newman Portsmouth 8.4 99 1 1/2 99.00 11.42
50 F Sayer Grayshott 6 74 1 1/30 74.00 12.33